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November 2024

- CEMS.UL welcomes applications to FCT Resercher Positions under the 7th CEEC Call (deadline November 29th)

October 2024

- Prof. Yang-Hui He delivers 2024 Daniel da Silva Lecture 
- CEMS.UL participates in Ciências Research Day 2024   

September 2024

- We are hiring
     - 2 Tenure track position at the DM-FCUL / CMAFcIO in the areas of Geometry & Topology, and Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis (now closed).

August 2024 - Applications for PhD and Post-Doctoral Grants (closed)

July 2024

- Luís Gouveia and Pedro Duarte were elected as members the Academia de Ciências de Lisboa
- Jorge Buescu re-elected as Vice-President of the EMS

June 2024

- We are hiring: Tenure track positions at the DM-FCUL in the areas of Mathematical Analysis and Geometry & Topology (Call closed).
- CEMS.UL is on Youtube and on Facebook

May 2024 - Nine student fellowships awarded

- Four Fellowships for MSc students
- Five Fellowships for 3rd year students of Mathematics

March 2024 - New FCT contracts (CEEC 6th edition) 

- Makson Santos and Jean Baptiste Casteras awarded new Researcher FCT contracts  


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