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Selected Publications in the period 2018-24


Among all our scientific publications, the following research articles are highlighted,
corresponding to significant advances in the respective fields.

Ao Cai, Pedro Duarte and S. Klein Furstenberg Theory of Mixed Random-Quasiperiodic Cocycles Communications in Mathematical Physics (2023) Giosuè Muratore Irreducible contact curves via graph stratification Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques (2023) Maria João Oliveira, D. Finkelshtein, Y. Kondratiev, E, Lytvynov Stirling operators in spatial combinatorics Journal of Functional Analysis (2022)
P. C. Kovacsics, Mário Edmundo and J. Ye Cohomology of algebraic varieties over non-archimedean fields Forum of Mathematics Sigma (2022) José Francisco Rodrigues and R. Scala Dynamics of a viscoelastic membrane with gradient constraint Journal of Differential Equations (2022) Teresa Faria and H.C. Prates Global attractivity for a nonautonomus Nicholson's equation with mixed nonlinearities Nonlinearity (2022)
Carlos Florentino, A. Nozad and A. Zamora Serre polynomials of SLn- and GLn-character varieties of free groups Journal of Geometry and Physics (2021) Alessandro Margheri, C. Rebelo and F. Zanolin Fixed points for planar maps with multiple twists, with application to nonlinear equations with indefinite weight Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (2021) Marija Dodig and M. Stosic Rank One Perturbations Of Matrix Pencils SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (2021)
M. Xavier, Nicolas Van Goethem and A. A. Novotny Hydro-mechanical fracture modeling governed by topological derivatives Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2020) Fernando Ferreira, L. Leusten and P. Pinto On the removal of weak compactness arguments in proof mining Advances in Mathematics (2019) Jean-Baptiste Casteras, D. Bonheure, T. Gou and L. Jeanjean Normalized solutions for a mixed dispersion nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the mass supercritical regime Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (2019)
Luís Gouveia, M. Leitner and M. Ruthmair Layered graph approaches for combinatorial optimization problems Computers & Operations Research (2019) Miguel Constantino and I. Martins Branch-and-cut for the forest harvest scheduling subject to clearcut and core area constraints European Journal of Operational Research (2018) R. Bernardino and Ana Paias Solving the family traveling salesman problem European Journal of Operational Research (2018)