Mathematics Colloquium
This Colloquium is organized by the Mathematics Department of Ciências, and aims at presenting research of members and collaborators, for the non-specialist mathematics researcher.
Colloquia in 2025
- January 29 - Knots are (almost) everywhere, Marko Stošić (CEMS.UL, Lisbon)
Colloquia in 2024
- November 13 - Persistent Homology and its use in Digital Image Analysis, Florian Pausinger (CMAFcIO, Lisbon)
- October 2 - The AI Mathematician, Yang-Hui He (LIMS, London & Merton College, Oxford) - 1st Daniel da Silva Lecture
- June 19 - Symplectic Field Theory, Quantum Hamiltonian operators, and modular forms, Giulio Ruzza (GFM, FCUL, Lisbon)
- May 15 - Applications of Monge mass transport theory to optimal design in mechanics, Guy Bouchitté (Univ. Toulon, France)
- March 6 - Matemática e Literatura, José Francisco Rodrigues (CMAFcIO & DM-FCUL, Lisbon)
- January 31 - Linear cocycles as an interface between dynamical systems and mathematical physics, Silvius Klein (Pontifical Catholic Univ. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Colloquia in 2023
- November 22 - Enumerative geometry, quantum differential equations, and derived categories, Giordano Cotti (GFM, FCUL, Lisbon)
- September 27 - Proper direct image (and other crazy images in my mind), Mário Edmundo (CMAFcIO & FCUL, Lisbon)
- July 18 - Enumerative geometry and the Shapiro--Shapiro Conjecture, Jake Levinson (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
- June 21 - Critical and supercritical PDEs: (I'm forever) blowing bubbles, Jean-Baptiste Casteras (CMAFcIO, Lisbon)
- May 3 - About several issues concerning the Vlasov equation: Quasilinear approximation, Balescu Lenhard approximation and Landau Damping, Claude Bardos (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Paris)
- March 29 - From classical monodromy problems of linear differential equations to the geometry of Dubrovin-Frobenius manifolds, Davide Guzzetti (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
- February 15 - Some aspects of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, Pierre-A. Vuillermot (GFM, Lisbon & Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine, Nancy)